AvanTech offers consulting services for WikiSuite, an integrated communication, collaboration and commerce solution that covers most needs of businesses and organizations in these areas.



Team Collaboration

Customer support

Membership Management

Social Networking

Shopping Cart

Knowledge Base

Multilingual Glossary

Event Management

Collaborative Book


Sales Team Management

Digital Signage

Custom solutions
AvanTech is a one-stop shop for integrated communication, collaboration and commerce solutions, powered by Free / Libre / Open Source software (FLOSS).

AvanTech specializes in WikiSuite, the most comprehensive and integrated Free / Libre / Open Source enterprise software suite. Our server, web, mobile and desktop apps ensure greater interoperability and security for organizations of all sizes.

WikiSuite includes several great technologies such as Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, Openfire and Syncthing.

AvanTech is a remote only organization.

To learn more about how we can help you become more efficient, visible and successful, please contact us.