
Search usability: Don't show an Edit button near the quick-search bar if it doesn't make sense (or ever), and put the "Search" button should be on the same line if it's the only button

5 Nice to have
Search usability: Don't show an Edit button near the quick-search bar if it doesn't make sense (or ever), and put the "Search" button should be on the same line if it's the only button
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If you go to a regular page, such as https://avan.tech/Search-Usability-Tasks for example, on the top-right quick search bar in the website header, you'll see "Find", and "Search" and "Edit" buttons below it.

The Edit button claims, "Edit existing page or create a new one." ...except it's a lie. If you have nothing in the searchbar, and click Edit, it leads you to https://avan.tech/tiki-editpage.php?page=" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">this silly message: "You must specify a page name, it will be created if it doesn't exist."

Arguably then the "Search" button should be on the same line as the search field. It just looks "broken" and non-standard when it's on a separate line by itself. Alternatively it could be _inside_ the search field, with a simple symbolic search icon for space savings. When nothing is present in the search field, the icon should be 50% transparent; when more than 0 characters, then it can be full opacity.

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Wednesday 10 of August, 2022 18:55:11 EDT
by Jeff Fortin T.
Thursday 16 of May, 2024 05:18:17 EDT