Software upgrades

  1. We will promptly apply all security patches.
  2. We will always keep you in an officially supported version of your software.

Instead of a large fee at each upgrade (major change of the software from one version number to the next, from 12 to 13, for example), this cost is part of your ongoing support plan, so it's predictable and reasonable. This is a key differentiator: Comparison to the alternatives.

How it works...

  • Updates (minor changes): implemented as soon as they become available (for example, Tiki 12.4 12.5)
  • Upgrade (major change): one included every three years. For example, if you start with Tiki 12.x in 2016, we'll upgrade you to the latest stable Long Term Support (LTS) version in 2019 (for example, Tiki 21.x).

When such a version is available and assuming you want the new features, we'll set up a test upgrade site where you can confirm that all is working nicely for you and then the upgrade will be implemented at a time suitable to you.